Correcting the Imbalance
Apologies to those who read my knitting blog - this is a duplicate post but DH really wanted this to be our first post! Apologies also regarding the About Me section - I just added this blog to my others and until I have time to correct the profile, you'll just have to imagine C has some input in this blog too.
So, Map 1 above - the red areas are countries I've been to. Map 2 above - the countries C has visited.
In 12 months time we hope to be able to boast that Map 3 better reflects our countries visited. Correcting the imbalance of decades in the Northern Hemisphere, we're heading south to New Zealand for about a year and hope to visit the other highlighted countries on the way home.
Thanks to Fiona for the website link to create the maps. You too can do the same by clicking here.
This is our last week in Ireland so life is pretty hectic. We're leaving on 4th December, first stop is Hong Kong so we'll be back then with pics hopefully.